Lucrative SST refund for large goods shippers in BC

If you represent a large farm operation, manufacturer, distributor or pallet refund bcwholesaler and paid BC Social Service Tax (SST) on shipping costs from August 2009 to June 30, 2010 you may be eligible for a refund.  

This is a specific issue based opportunity for a refund of SST for large farmers, manufacturers, distributors or wholesalers in BC.

  • This opportunity is extremely time sensitive as the refund eligibility period (currently August 2009 to June 30, 2010) is shrinking by the day.
  • Since this is a specific issue based opportunity, the preparation of the claim is simple and can be done offsite.
  • Under certain circumstances this opportunity can also provide future PST savings as well.

With Enhanced Capital Recovery, you only pay for our services if you receive a refund.

Please contact us to set up a phone meeting so we can provide you more details about this opportunity.

Tel: 1-800-470-0235 ext 231

Fax: 1-800-965-3209